Saturday, 27 April 2013

A quote on Socialists

One of my favourite quotes by Ludwig von Mises. The truth of this quotes has been confirmed in every debate with adherents of socialism. 

I know only too well how hopeless it seems to convince impassioned supporters of the Socialist Idea by logical demonstration that their views are preposterous and absurd. I know too well that they do not want to hear, to see, or above all to think, and that they are open to no argument. But new generations grow up with clear eyes and open minds. It is for them that this book is written.

(Ludwig von Mises. Preface to the Second German Edition of Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis)

Coase and externalities

I wrote an article concerning the Coasian approach to externalities. You can read it here.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

The Chimera of Efficiency (Part 1)

The judicial decision-making takes place in three phases. First, every judge must acquaint himself with the facts of a particular dispute and decide which of them are relevant for rendering the decision. He then must determine which legal norms are to be applied and interpreted. The interpretation of legal norms may however lead to different or even contradictory outcomes. Where does the economic analysis of law stand in all that? The law and economics approach dictates that the judge should decide the case on the basis of cost-benefit analysis so as to maximize societal wealth.  

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Coming soon...

...but no so soon. First I could introduce myself a little. I am a student of law at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, but currently I'm studying at the University of Ghent in Belgium. I'd like to say a few words about my interests. I'm interested in legal philosophy (discussion between natural law and legal positivism, economic analysis of law), legal theory (torts), Austrian economics (especially methodology) and ethics (virtue ethics plus metaethics).